The visit of Ukrainian delegation to the European partners of the project
In the frame of the Ukrainian- Polish and German project Tempus Tacis the Ukrainian delegation has visited Germany and Poland in the period from the 25 of May till 14 of June 2008.This trip was put into effect according to the plans of the project Tempus Tacis “The creation of the informational and consulting Agro ecological centre in Poltava.
The aim of it was the preparation and gathering of the materials for the amelioration of the 3 questions which were passed for the discussion in the first part of the project:
– The analysis of the European legislation in the environmental protection field;
– Organic farming and ecological production;
– The perfection of the education and muster course correcting in the field of the preparation of the specialists for organic agriculture and receiving of the ecological production.
For the period of our visit to Germany the members of our delegation have received much of different and useful information, have visited many enterprises and have met many interesting people. The program organizes gave us the possibility to make many interesting excursions, such as:
the excursions to the industrial enterprises;
the excursions to the agricultural enterprises; the ecological production producers;
the excursions to the enterprises, which stockpile the products, make its control and prepare it for the sale and resale;
the excursions to the public utility companies of Stuttgart (The water treatment works systems of the rainwater disposal);
The familiarization with the activity and technologies of enterprises clarification of the sewage sludge neutralization of the city canalization system.
The visit to the one of the powerful chemical concern enterprise BASF;
The familiarization with the system of the products control quality at the example of the plant of wine production;
The familiarization with the resource and laboratory base of the university Hohenheim;
The attendance of the course of lectures according to the project program;
The visit to the scientific and research institutes which make the laboratory food quality control;
The meetings with the German project coordinators, the discussion with them of the some parts of the project and organization of final conference in Poltava.
The meeting with the rector of the university.
Basing on these meetings, excursions and personal contacts and discussions we have received much new useful information for the project prolongation.
The members of our delegation have discussed the materials which will be included in the modules of the first phase of the project, they have concluded how to organize the final workshops, have studied the forms and methods of master course and modules organizations including the themes of organic production and ecological safety.
Thanks to this visit we have received the possibility to make the familiarization with modern methods and equipment for the products quality control and environmental condition. The specialists involved into this project have generated the scientific and methodological concept of the regional programs about the rational handling with the waste products and ecological net of Poltava region according to the materials of the Agro Ecological project. The participants of the project have studied the possibilities of the retraining of the specialists in the agriculture sphere to prepare the specialists for the organic agriculture and ecological products producers.