International ecological conference
Attention! Attention! Attention!
From May 6 to 7, 2008
Agro-Ecological Centre
(Project Tempus 2006 JEP_27168_2006)
invite you to take part in the International ecological conference.
More than 40 participants from Ukraine and 12 experts from Germany and Poland come to Poltava state agrarian academy to discuss the very important questions:
1. EU food quality and safety regulations, international food regulations and potential of the Ukraine to comply with them.
2. Normative – legislative basis of ecological documentation and environmental regulations of EU.
3. Production of organic plant and animal husbandry products and marketing of organic products.
EU Participants
1. Gieraths Jochem – Eastern Europe Centre, Managing Director
2. Streck Thilo – University of Hohenheim, Project Leader
3. Kopsch Jenny – Eastern Europe Centre, Project Coordinator
4. Braun Jurgen – University of Stuttgart, Scientific Director, VEGAS
5. Postnikova Tamara – Municipality Filderstadt, Town-Twinning
6. Hatt Karin – Municipality Filderstadt, Head of Department of Environmental Protection
7. Mosiej Jozef – Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Professor, Faculty of Engeneering and Environmental Sciences
8. Karcmarczyk Agnieszka – Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Scientific Assistant, Faculty of Engeneering and Environemental Sciences
9. Zikeli Sabine – University of Hohenheim, Coordinator for organic farming and consumer protection
10. Khachatryan Nune – University of Hohenheim, Scientific Assistant, Institute for Farm Management
11. Nuss Rainer – Police Heidelberg, Food inspector (National Association of Food Inspectors Baden-Wurttemberg)
12. Damm Thomas – ABCERT, Head of Control Unit, Certification Centre for organic products
The more detail information look at (PDF file):
The conference will take place at the address:
Poltava state agrarian academy, study building №4, 2 floor, room №417
The board room of the academic council of academy
36003 Poltava,1/3 Skovorody str.